
Budoucí Workshop Vázání s příběhem

Ať už při vázání různé příběhy prožíváte či nikoliv, tento workshop vás provede vázáním, které v nás příběhy vzbudí. Každý bude své příběhy tvořit a prožívat, ať už na straně vázaného člověka, nebo riggera/ky. Budeme se rovným dílem věnovat oběma stranám prožitku. Pro mě osobně vázání s příběhem znamená: vázání se záměrem. Záměr může mít (více…)


Budoucí Workshop with A-Nicolas

This workshop invites you on a journey through the essentials of rope practice, focusing on the fluid and transformative aspects of movement, simplicity, and connection. Offers a balance between structure and improvisation. This experience is suited for those looking to deepen their understanding of how the art of rope emerges from both the fundamentals and (více…)


Budoucí Shibari Night – A-Nicolas & Joan

Po delší odmlce do Prahy opět zavítá Nicolas. Tentokrát bude vystupovat s Joan. Ti dva se znají už deset let a na jejich společném vázání je to vidět. Jejich vystoupení bývají pokaždé jiná.  Někdy hravá,  pohybová až taneční, jindy zase živelné a pohybující se na hranicích možností lidského těla. Nicolas bude mít o tomto víkendu (více…)


Budoucí Workshop Yukimura Ryu II – Michael Ropeknight

We are pleased to announce that Michael Ropeknight will present a follow-up workshop Yukimura Ryu II in Subspace. This workshop builds on the content from “Ropeknights Yukimura Ryu I”. Participants will revisit familiar ties and deepen their understanding of these techniques. Along with learning new rope patterns, emphasis will be placed on the Japanese aesthetic (více…)


Budoucí Naka ryu II+ with Kinbaku Luxuria

In this workshop we will not learn new skill sets, but will focus on those learned in level 1 and 2 to create different shapes and patterns. This three days workshop includes many of the ties that we used to teach in classes like The Iconic 6 or the Body Lacing class, and many other (více…)


Budoucí Workshop Darkness by Kurogami and Shiawase

This is a class based on the vision and the way Kurogami developed his style, practicing kinbaku with Shiawase through years. This 3-day workshop is designed to let the students explore their dark sides and facilitate their journey through the discovery or enrichment of their own styles. We will talk about the importance of our (více…)


Budoucí Workshop Semenawa #1 plus: Deepening Skills

The roots of traditional Japanese bondage go back over 100 years to Ito Seiu, the father of Kinbaku, who began tying, studying and publishing his work focusing on the beauty of suffering. He was followed by several generations of Japanese who developed the traditional style. Among them were Nureki Chimuo and his successor Naka Akira, (více…)


Budoucí Under the Lens with Kinbaku LuXuria

This 2 day workshop is aimed at those students that love a really nerdy, in depth, approach to understanding rope fundamentals. Our aim is to break down every knot , friction, tie off and main pattern of the style. We will break down how hand position results in different kind of lays and how they (více…)


Budoucí Class 3 – An Approach to Showa Era Bondage by Kinbaku LuXuria

As our main goal in our N1 and N2 workshop was to approach the basics of Naka style, as re-engineered by Wildties to make them safer and more sustainable, our goal in this workshop is to approach in the same way the bondage typical of the early and medium Showa Era. That means we will (více…)


Budoucí Body Handling for Rope Bondage by Kinbaku LuXuria

In every show, live session, or public rope demonstration I’ve held in Japan, one piece of feedback stands out—how much Western rope practitioners incorporate body handling, physical contact, and touch into their sessions. This tactile engagement creates an erotic, graceful dance that captivates audiences and participants alike. Physical contact in rope bondage is not just (více…)