Budoucí Class 3 – An Approach to Showa Era Bondage by Kinbaku LuXuria

As our main goal in our N1 and N2 workshop was to approach the basics of Naka style, as re-engineered by Wildties to make them safer and more sustainable, our goal in this workshop is to approach in the same way the bondage typical of the early and medium Showa Era. That means we will tackle the destructured and powerful look so dear to masters like Nureki Chimou Sensei and Sugiura Norio Sensei, trying to understand the subtle aesthetics as well as trying to keep our approach relatively safe and sustainable.

We will try to understand the difference between tying randomly and messily, and creating that typical look that is only “apparently random” yet powerful and intentional, we will distinguish the “good mess” from the “bad mess” so to speak.

We will study the forms and shapes that have become everlasting classics and understand how to use them as a starting point to deconstruct and create something always new and unique.

We will try to understand what the masters looked for, what kind of feelings, what visual effects and try to adapt them o our own style of tying.

For the first time in a workshop Wildties will disclose the concepts he worked on for over 2 years, in hundreds of sessions, under the remote guidance of Sugiura Norio Sensei and through the knowledge accumulated in 8 years as Ichiban Deshi of Naka Sensei, that allowed him to approach the bondage so typical of the Showa Era, in a more modern, structured and approachable way.

Beyound all this we will try to understand what the “Spirit” of Showa era tying was. What general principels we can find throughout all the different riggers that made the golden era of bondage.

Other instructions

Workshop will be held in English.


Workshop is taking place in Prague near Anděl in our studio. Exact address will be sent to you by mail after confirmation of your registration.


This workshop is intended for advanced riggers and rope bottoms/models with very good experience in Naka ryu.

  • Naka ryu I and Naka ryu II with Kinbaku Luxuria or
  • Kinbaku I-IV in Subspace is required.

Models must have a wide experience in Semenawa suspension and must be able to sustain a Gote for long periods in static suspensions.

Special conditions might apply, please contact us if you are not sure if you qualify for the workshop.

Bring with you

Participants need to bring at least 12 ropes, 15 been ideal.

Subspace studio is equipped with futons, blankets, kitchen, shower, etc.


It is necessary to register in advance, places are very limited. You can find a registration form below. Price is per couple. Registrations are approved also accorindg to level of participants.

International participants can also register directly by contacting us.


Podrobnosti Cena Počet
Workshop (650 EUR) 16 250 CZK   Jde do prodeje
Workshop (Subspace member- for the last 12 months) (8 500 CZK) je k dispozici pouze pro členy. V Prodeji
Pá 20.3.2026 - Ne 22.3.2026