Uplynulá Miniworkshop Mantras for deepening tying experience (ENG)

This is one of the four miniworkshops to deepen and enhance your tying experience. Please read the description as well as necessary level to attend. 

Mantra – also known as affirmation or self-suggestion, will be our main tool during this workshop. We are going to dive deeper into an altered state of mind by repeating the mantra. Besides that we’ll discuss how to make your own mantra for a session or long term dynamic. Mantras on this workshop will be focused on surrender, objectification, suffering and other D/s or power-play dynamics. Mantra can also help us with focusing, managing pain, or dealing with racing thought while tying or being tied. We will focus on both tops and bottoms experience.

Level: Workshop is suitable for anyone capable of tying basic structures (single, double column tie, frictions) and maintaining tension on ropes without looking. Both of you should be capable of communication such as stating and keeping boundaries of yourself and your partner as well as giving each other feedback.

Bring with you:

    • Ropes – three ropes. Suitable length is 7,5-8 meters. There will be ropes to buy on spot. If you are not sure which are suitable and how much are they, you can visit our rope eshop www.provazem.cz or send us a message. Ropes will be available to borrow too.
    • Comfortable clothes.
    • Recommended to bring a blanket or other cover for our futons.

Useful information

Door will be open at 19:45. We recommend to come early so the workshop can start on time.

Workshop is taking place in Prague near Anděl in our beautiful studio, exact address will be sent to you by mail after confirmation of your registration. There are futons, no need for a mat. No shoes in main room.

It is necessary to register in advance, places are limited. You can find a registration form below. Price is per person. Please register exact number of places (i.e. for a couple choose 2 places). The workshop is only for pairs, if you register as an individual, please indicate who are you looking for and do not pay for the workshop until you find a partner. We will contact you if a suitable partner is found.


We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
Pondělí 6.5.2024